There are many reasons why your neck hurts, because this component of the human body, in turn, consists of many tissues and organs that organize not only the muscular system, but also other systems: respiratory, metabolic, sensory system and others. Neck pain can be caused by even a minor manifestation of inflammation, for example, an unexplained reaction of a lymph node.

The modern rhythm of life contributes to the emergence of this unpleasant symptom. Low mobility, environmental conditions in the region, malnutrition, hidden systemic diseases - all this can provoke pain in the neck. Whether it is worth enduring it or starting treatment immediately depends on what signal it gives.
How does my neck hurt?
The neck is a connecting link, it is quite mobile and for the same reason it is prone to various types of injuries. If pain occurs in the neck, it can be an accident caused by a sharp and awkward movement, or it can be such a pattern that a person is already used to the fact that this part of the spine hurts. A lot depends on the type of neck pain itself, because it can be so different that it is difficult to list its characteristics:
- sharp sudden pain (indicates cervicago - cervical lumbago, when the nerve receptors are compressed, which is synuvertebral; in addition, it can be an indicator of muscle spasm or neuralgia);
- Painful pain in the neck area (manifested by muscle numbness, overwork, cervical spine problems, for example, ligaments);
- Periodically my neck hurts for unexplained reasons;
- constant pain in this area;
- Radiating pain: in the head, arm, chest, collar, shoulders;
- Pain in the neck, which occurs only when moving the head, or persists even when the neck and all its muscles are in an unused, quiet position;
- pain accompanied by numbness (can be caused by a pinched nerve, disc herniation, prolapse);
- The neck sometimes hurts on the right, or on the left, or closer to the shoulder area, or closer to the head.
Causes of neck pain
Neck pain can be caused by many factors of mechanical and non-mechanical origin. There are cases when they cannot be explained at all, and therefore this leads to the fact that treatment cannot actually be prescribed. Nevertheless, the world practice of specialists in various fields of medicine put forward a list of the most common reasons why the neck hurts, and not another part of the spine.
The formation of large deposits of salt on the neck
Evidence of diseases such as osteochondrosis and osteoarthritis. These diseases cause not only pain, but also convulsions, clicking when turning the head, which cannot be confused with anything. If the treatment is not started on time, the fourth stage of the disease occurs, which is full of bone formations, due to which the neck loses its mobility.
muscle spasm
With spasms of the muscles produced by an awkward or too sharp turning of the head to the right or left side. This often happens in car accident injuries and more. Neck pain disappears when this spasm is removed by various manipulations performed by a massage therapist, osteopath and manual therapy specialist. But, in principle, if the spasm was not strong, the symptom may pass by itself without consequences.
Intervertebral hernia
They arise not on the neck, but in the shoulder region, but spread to the upper region. Due to its appearance, the functional capabilities of the nerve may be impaired, so patients often complain of numbness in the affected area and surrounding areas.
The appearance of pain in the neck from monotonous work that forces a person to do in one position, for example, sewing or sitting at a computer. Often in such cases the neck begins to go numb and at the same time it hurts with a dull pain.
Tumors are localized both on the neck and in other organs, tissues, departments. For example, cancer of the lung, breast or prostate, kidney, thyroid gland and other varieties can cause this symptom, not to mention tumors that arise in the neck itself. It may come and go, which should encourage one to do a full investigation.
Cervical myelopathy
It causes stenosis of the spinal canal in the neck, causing pain. But the pain can spread not only in this area. Symptoms have a wide range of manifestations, and the treatment of such a disease is quite difficult and has consequences.
Polymyalgia rheumatica or fibromyalgia
Neck pain in this case can be a secondary symptom, but, nevertheless, it is quite noticeable and disturbing.
Systemic diseases of the body
The symptom is pain in various parts of the musculoskeletal system, among which the neck is especially prominent. These are rheumatoid arthritis, infection, ankylosing spondylitis and others.
Muscle hypothermia
Hypothermia of muscles that move themselves. If the scratch has passed through the neck, then it hurts so much that it becomes very difficult to make any movement with it, in other cases it is almost unbearable.
What to do if your neck hurts a lot
The neck performs important functions for the body, damage to it can lead to instant death, so if you are in pain, doing nothing and waiting for the pain to go away by itself is the worst option. You should definitely consult with one of the specialists: rheumatologist, osteopath, oncologist, therapist, surgeon, traumatologist, orthopedist, neurologist.
If it is not possible to go to the doctor at the moment, call the massage therapist to at least hear his opinion on the matter. But this does not mean that massage is mandatory and when performed, it will relieve your neck pain. It is also possible that one specialist will not be able to prescribe treatment, because the problem will not be his profile. It will be necessary to hear the opinions of at least three doctors.
In each case, the treatment will be different. Sometimes it will be enough to do daily exercises - and the localized symptom on the neck will disappear by itself. With complex diagnoses, such as a tumor or stenosis, or a hernia, the pain will not disappear until the use of surgical treatment. In this case, whether or not to do surgery is not even worth it: a person practically has no choice.
Treatment for various types of injuries can be reduced to wearing orthopedic products such as a neck brace for a certain period of time. In order for a person to feel better, they often prescribe sleeping in a specific body position and using a special pillow on which to lie down, the neck takes the correct position in relation to the body.
Physical treatments such as shock wave therapy or intensive massage of this area may be prescribed to dissolve salt deposits in the cervical region.
The use of drug therapy is appropriate when it comes to systemic or infectious diseases that cause pain in the cervical region. Medicines will help to cure or slow down the disease, help the regenerative forces of the body, which are aimed at the fight and diagnosis.
Massage therapist, chiropractor, osteopath are specialists who can help to deal with the above symptom if they are professionals in their field. Therefore, when pain occurs in the neck, patients most often turn to them. Sometimes a seemingly simple massage can increase the blood circulation in the cervical area so that not only this symptom but also the headache will disappear.
In any case, you should start treatment and take care of your health in case of neck pain so that it does not recur.